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Onine exhibition featuring 'Dignity, The Tiger, Acrylic on canvas
Fronteer Gallery
18 Exchange Street, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield. S2 5TS
Tel: 07792 971646
Gallery Opening Times:
Wed - Fri: 10 - 3pm; Sat: 2-7pm
Closed Sun - Tues.
Featuring ‘Blueberry Explosion’, ink on paper.
Aire Place Studios,
Unit 2c, Aire Place Mills, Kirkstall Rd, Leeds. LS3 1JL
Featuring 'Indian Sweets', Oil on canvas.
In section: Gallery - Exhibitions - Mixed Show Print - It
Available to purchase as an A3 print, online.
Plans are for the original to be displayed the gallery in September 2021 at the studio:
Please follow the link to view details:
Featuring 'Eilish Maach' an Indian river fish, Oil on canvas.
Fronteer Gallery18 Exchange Street, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield. S2 5TS
Tel: 07792 971646
Gallery Opening Times:
Wed - Fri: 10 - 3pm; Sat: 2-7pm
Closed Sun - Tues.
Featuring 'Aqua, Study of a Bladderwort, St Bees', watercolour on paper.
Address: Coles Gallery, Kirkgate Market, Unit 16, 1904 Hall. Leeds. LS2 7HY.
Tel: 07737495681
Gallery Opening Times:
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10am - 5pm
Closed Sunday and Wednesday
C.B.M Galleries, Wigan,Online exhibition called 'Curating a Cardboard Box' featuring three miniature landscapes: 'The Park', 'The Bench' and 'The Arbour'.
Featuring 'Tree of Life', charcoal and pastel on paper.
Fronteer Gallery,18 Exchange Street, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield. S2 5TS
Tel: 07792 971646
Gallery Opening Times:
Wed - Fri: 10 - 3pm; Sat: 2-7pm
Closed Sun - Tues.
Featuring 3 landscapes in oils: ‘The Park’, ‘The Bench’, ‘The Arbour’
Coles Gallery,
Leeds Kirkgate Market, Unit 16, 1904 Hall. Leeds. LS2 7HY.
Tel: 07737495681
Gallery Opening Times:
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat: 10am - 5pm
Closed Sunday and Wednesday
Place: Private house, Wetherby, featuring a selection of my nature works.
'This is a variety of works ranging from pastel to oils to charcoal life drawings.
Attend 2-3 times each year.